October 4, 2022 - December 6, 2022
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Played with modified balls and court sizes (as appropriate) these sessions aim to give players the confidence to progress their tennis on through giving them an excellent grounding in modern tennis technique. Games and matchplay is also introduced with players being prepared to eventually become full court (Yellow Ball) players.
Please note – The fee paid is for a minimum of 9 lessons across the 10 week school term. This accounts for the possibility of 1 rain cancellation per term. If there are no cancellations then lessons will run for all 10 weeks.
If more than one week of classes is cancelled due to rain then credits for those weeks will be given towards the next term.
Cooroy Tennis Club membership: All players that register on a junior tennis course will automatically receive the benefit of junior membership status at the club.